I pulled an all nighter watching popular movies of the 2000's I never watched, some were bad, some were good, and I'm exhausted. I'm just gonna show you a few works of writing I wrote in middle school, aren't that good it being a while ago. And they all have generic titles! Yay! Kind of ironic when yesterday I just complained about the generic music industry. Teehee!
The Empty Sea
A sea of emptiness
With a dark hidden abyss
No tsunami of anger
Just a lonely boat that will linger
No beach to enjoy
Just a drowning boy
Fire and Water
I've burned in a fire
For what seemed like eternity
Will I have water?
We All Live in The Yellow Submarine!
It was late. 3:00 am. Maria was half asleep. The bus was moving slow. The bus was approaching the pier. It began to accelerate fast. And faster. And faster. And faster. Maria, startled, went to the bus driver. The driver smirked at her sadistically, then vanished into thin air.
The bus hit a person, and another, and they burst into blood, no bodies to be recovered. It annihilated another car, crushing everyone inside. The Beatles song "We all Live in the Yellow Submarine" started to play on the radio. Maria began to scream in panic. The emergency exits locked. Before she knew it the bus was launched off the pier and was sinking to the bottom of the bay. The water began to flood the bus. The pressure of the water crushing Maria's bones, it was excruciating. The water around her turned to a bloody mist.
18 years later the bus was still at the bottom of the bay. Yellow with grime and sewage. Maria's corpse long devoured by the bottom feeders. At the bottom was the long haired bus driver in a phantasmal form. His ghostly fingers snapping in rhythm. His eerie voice singing.
"We all live in the yellow submarine!"
"We all live in the yellow submarine!"
And done. Now, I'm going to sleep.
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