"teh ps3 has wayy better gamz than n00b xbox."
"nowai, xbox haz way better online multeplayar"
We've all heard the arguments on forums, YouTube comments, or maybe just conversation your friends. Today, your friendly neighborhood zombie will put a rest to it, showing that they are both equally fun consoles. I own both, and spent the last year and a half enjoying them both equally!
PS3 has amazing games, Heavy Rain, inFamous, LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted 1 and 2, and every single Ratchet and Clank games are all FANTASTIC titles. Xbox has some fun console exclusives too. Prey (though for PC) is a revolutionary title, and was one of my reasons for buying a 360 when I was 4th grade, when it was a big title. Aside from Prey, Xbox had Oblivion as an exclusive for a while too, and personally I prefer it on the Xbox. Halo 3 is a marvelous game, no doubting that.
I refuse to acknowledge any of the Call of Duty games, cause I hate them all, and I've only played the game once, and I know a great deal of the guns from overhearing stupid conversation about the game. So yeah I hate Modern Warfare.
Anyway, I'm tired of all the BULLSHIT arguing I hear over any mention of PS3 or Xbox on the internet. So here's what I'll say: Grab a copy of Hooked on Fonix, teach yourself proper grammar and spelling. Then take time to enjoy your rival console, and play it, and experience everything it has to offer. Then realize that both consoles are equally fun.
When I first came up with this idea, I expected something long and detailed. But I have failed to get any sleep. Perhaps after a nap, I'll update it. But I planned on ending it like this.
To settle this argument between fanboys, I will say this. PC gaming is superior in every way, and the Wii sucks.
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